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The Impact of Multiple DUI Convictions

 Posted on August 27, 2019 in DUI

IL DUI lawyerThroughout the state of Illinois, upwards of 25,000 people are charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, on an annual basis. Despite the large number of DUI arrests made each year, a DUI charge is not something to be taken lightly. A first-time DUI offender can face a number of serious consequences, most notably fines and possible loss of driving privileges. Once a person has been convicted of one DUI though, the stakes are raised significantly. Having multiple DUI convictions on one’s personal record, can seriously alter a person’s life, and significantly impact their livelihood. Below, we will examine the impacts of multiple DUI convictions, and how to react if you are facing inebriated driving charges.

The Consequences of Multiple Convictions

Given the inherent dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol (more than 300 people were fatally injured in crashes involving drunk drivers in Illinois, throughout 2017), it should come as no surprise that the charges rise significantly in severity if a person is convicted multiple times. According to Illinois state law, a first-time DUI offense will result in a Class A misdemeanor and a one-year license revocation period.

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Understanding Expungement in Illinois

 Posted on August 18, 2019 in Criminal Defense

IL traffic lawyerIf you have been arrested for a serious crime, it is important to understand the way in which a conviction could ultimately impact your life. Not only do most convictions come with significant fines, potential loss of driving privileges, and even possible jail-time, but the longer-term ramifications of a conviction should not be understated. Having even a misdemeanor charge on your criminal record can drastically alter your ability to find employment, get loan approval, and secure housing opportunities. If you and your family are suffering due to the lingering ramifications of a criminal conviction, it is time to speak with a skilled attorney regarding the possibility of obtaining expungement or having your criminal records sealed.

What Is Expungement?

Due to the fact that criminal records are public knowledge, a prior arrest can hamper the well-being of yourself and your family. A college admissions board, a potential landlord, or a loan expert could all gain access to your criminal record and let your prior court proceedings impact their decision-making process. Because of this, many people seek to have charges erased from their criminal record or sealed from public view, this process is known as expungement.

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Examining the Impacts of Speeding Tickets in Illinois

 Posted on July 26, 2019 in Traffic Violations

IL defense attorneyHere in the state of Illinois, thousands of people are pulled over each month for driving over the legal speed limit. Due to the fact that speeding is one of the most dangerous acts a driver can take (speeding killed over 9,000 Americans throughout 2017 alone), Illinois police are constantly on the lookout for speeding drivers. While most people assume that minor speeding tickets will come with minimal finage and little impact on their life, in all reality speeding violations should be taken incredibly seriously. If you are charged with driving over the legal speed limit, it may be time to seek out the expertise of a qualified attorney.

The Illinois Point System

According to Illinois state law, minor traffic violations result in points against your driving record. If a person accumulates a certain number of points within a 12-month period, they are likely to face license revocation. Speeding is one of the most common traffic violations resulting in points against one’s driving record. If a person is charged with speeding less than 10 mph over the speed limit, they will receive five points against their driving record. If a person is driving more than 10 mph over the legal limit, they will receive 15 points against them. In Illinois, accumulation of 15 points results in a two-month license suspension.

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What Constitutes a Reckless Driving Charge

 Posted on July 12, 2019 in Traffic Violations

IL defense lawyerWhen a person makes the decision to drive recklessly, they are making the decision to endanger other travelers as well as themselves. Recognizing this, the state of Illinois punishes reckless driving incredibly harshly. Reckless driving is defined in 625 ILCS 5/11-503, as negligent vehicular operation that willfully disregards the safety of others. According to Illinois state law, reckless driving usually results in a Class A Misdemeanor. Due to the severity of the legal consequences of a reckless driving charge, it is critically important to seek out quality legal representation immediately.

Common Forms of Reckless Driving

In addition to a misdemeanor charge on a person’s permanent record, a reckless driving charge can also result in rises in a person’s insurance rates. In some instances, reckless driving will result in a license revocation or suspension.

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Understanding the Legal Ramifications of Refusing a Breathalyzer

 Posted on June 27, 2019 in DUI

IL DUI lawyerWhen a person is pulled over by a police officer, it can be difficult to maintain a level head. Because of this, many people lose their ability to contemplate their decision-making process. In all reality, it is of the utmost importance to remain calm and understand your rights and privileges, especially as it pertains to a DUI traffic stop. Many people make the mistake of feeling as though failure to adhere to every single request of the officer represents insubordination that could impact them in court. Yet, it is important for you to understand your rights and how declining to answer a question or take part in chemical testing could impact you. If you are charged with driving under the influence, speak with a qualified legal professional immediately.

Refusing Chemical Testing

If a person is convicted of a DUI, their life can be changed dramatically. Even a first-time DUI offender is likely to face Class A misdemeanor charges, minimum fines of up to $500, and loss of driving privileges for one year. The legal consequences of additional DUIs are even more significant. Understanding the legal severity of DUIs, it is important to understand how refusing chemical testing can impact you.

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What If Your Company Caused Your Commercial Trucking Violation?

 Posted on June 13, 2019 in Traffic Violations

IL traffic lawyerEvery single year, thousands of Americans suffer serious injuries in collisions involving commercial trucks. Given the sheer size of most commercial trucks, these collisions often times result in fatalities. Because of this, commercial truck drivers are held to strict regulatory standards. Violation of these standards can result in loss of your commercial driver’s license. In some instances though, the violation that the truck driver was cited for was not the fault of the driver. Below we will examine some of the most common instances in which commercial trucking companies violate these standards. If you are cited for a CDL violation, seek out legal representation immediately.

Common Company Caused Violations

While some CDL violations are directly related to driver error, such as a DUI or reckless driving charge, many other violations are the direct fault of the trucking company. If a driver is cited for violating a driver out-of-service order regarding the transportation of hazardous materials, it is possible that they were not educated on the order by their company. If a driver is cited for driving an overweight truck, it is likely that the company overloaded the vehicle to minimize delivery time, putting their bottom line ahead of the safety and wellbeing of the driver.

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Traffic Offenses That Could Cost You Your Driving Privileges

 Posted on May 28, 2019 in Traffic Violations

IL defense lawyerDriving is a way of life. The average American drives approximately 37 miles per day. Loss of your driving privileges can significantly impact your quality of life and your livelihood. Here in the state of Illinois, there are a number of traffic violations that can result in license suspension or revocation. Below, we will examine some of the most common violations that could cost you your license. In the event of a traffic violation, it is critically important to seek out the assistance of a qualified legal professional.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol: Here in the state of Illinois, local law enforcement are constantly on the lookout for signs of inebriated driving. Throughout 2017 alone, more than 27,000 people were arrested statewide for intoxicated driving. Due to the inherent dangers of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a conviction can result in loss of driving privileges. A first DUI conviction will result in a one-year license revocation. Subsequent convictions come with lengthier revocation periods. If you have been charged with a DUI, you need to speak with a legal representative.

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How a DUI Conviction Can Impact a Teen

 Posted on May 18, 2019 in DUI

IL defense lawyerDespite the best wishes of parents, the vast majority of teenagers will experiment with alcohol at some point in their high school career. All parents can really hope for, is the fact that their child will remain safe while drinking, avoid over-consumption and not get behind the wheel of a car. Unfortunately, many young people that take part in underage drinking, do ultimately make the decision to drive. Below, we will examine the many ways in which driving under the influence can impact a teenager’s future.

The Consequences of a Conviction

When a person is convicted of a DUI, their life can be altered forever. The implications of a conviction can go far beyond the initial criminal punishment. Listed below, are the most notable ways in which a DUI conviction can impact a teenager’s future.

The Legal Ramifications: Here in the state of Illinois, a first DUI offense can come with significant legal ramifications. If convicted, a person will face Class A misdemeanor charges. Outside of the implications of having a misdemeanor on your criminal record (which we will explore below), the charge can come with other punishments. Most notably, a first-time DUI offender may be sentenced to up to one year in prison, depending on the circumstances. The person is likely to also face substantial fines, as high as $2,500. Significant time spent in jail can drastically impact a young person’s mental and emotional wellbeing.

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The Implications of an Aggravated DUI Conviction

 Posted on April 28, 2019 in DUI

IL DUI lawyerWhen a person is charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, it is important for them to understand the potential legal ramifications. Due to the manner in which drunk driving can endanger other travelers, it is not a simple traffic violation, but a serious criminal offense. According to Illinois state law, a DUI charge constitutes a Class A misdemeanor. Yet there are a number of factors that elevate a standard DUI to an aggravated DUI. Below, we will explore the offenses that can lead to an aggravated DUI charge, as well as the ways in which a conviction can ultimately impact your life. If you have been charged with an aggravated DUI, seek out legal assistance immediately.

Common Aggravating Factors

According to Illinois state law, an aggravated DUI conviction automatically constitutes a Class 4 felony. If convicted, the offender could face more than one year in prison, fines as high as $25,000, and a serious mark on their permanent record. It should be noted, that as of January 1, 2019, driving your vehicle the wrong way down a one-way street while under the influence of alcohol constitutes an aggravated DUI. Listed below are other common aggravating factors.

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How to Get Your Driver’s License Reinstated

 Posted on April 15, 2019 in DUI

IL DUI lawyerHere in the state of Illinois, there are a number of violations that could result in a driver’s license suspension. A driver can lose their driving privileges for three or more traffic violations within a 12-month period, accumulating 10 or more parking tickets and refusing payment, or for non-payment of court-ordered child support. The most noteworthy reason for a driver’s license suspension is a DUI offense.

According to the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office, more than 27,000 Illinoisans were charged with driving under the influence, throughout 2017 alone. Fortunately, a person facing either a license suspension or revocation may be eligible for reinstatement. If you have lost your driving privileges, and are hoping to have your license reinstated, you need to hire an attorney that you can believe in.

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