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How to Get Your Driver’s License Reinstated

 Posted on April 15, 2019 in DUI

IL DUI lawyerHere in the state of Illinois, there are a number of violations that could result in a driver’s license suspension. A driver can lose their driving privileges for three or more traffic violations within a 12-month period, accumulating 10 or more parking tickets and refusing payment, or for non-payment of court-ordered child support. The most noteworthy reason for a driver’s license suspension is a DUI offense.

According to the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office, more than 27,000 Illinoisans were charged with driving under the influence, throughout 2017 alone. Fortunately, a person facing either a license suspension or revocation may be eligible for reinstatement. If you have lost your driving privileges, and are hoping to have your license reinstated, you need to hire an attorney that you can believe in.

Steps Needed for Reinstatement

A license suspension can significantly impact a person’s livelihood, because of this, it is important to act quickly. Once your license has been suspended, you can request a hearing with the Illinois Secretary of State. These hearings can be formal or informal.

An informal hearing is simply a meeting between you and an informal hearing officer. These hearings are possible in minor traffic violations, or a first-time DUI charge. In these meetings, the officer will ask you questions related to your previous driving experience, ranging from why your license was suspended, to how you have made changes to avoid similar violations. It is important to have a trained attorney with you, in these hearings. Preparation is critical before these hearings, and your lawyer can help you in scheduling a consultation with the hearing officer, prior to the hearing itself.

A formal hearing is needed if a person has accumulated multiple DUIs, or was the responsible party in a fatal car accident. These hearings must be requested through the mail, and will involve both evidence and testimony. The formal hearing officer can subpoena and examine witnesses, and request necessary documents. Once the hearing has taken place, the hearing officer will submit their recommendation to the Secretary of State’s office, where a final decision will be made. In formal hearings, the need for a quality legal professional, is even more critical.

If you license is not fully reinstated, you still have a number of potential options at your disposal. You could request a Restricted Driving Permit, that will allow you to drive to and from important locations, such as your workplace, the grocery store, and the school your children attend. You may have to install a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID), to ensure that you will not operate your vehicle, while inebriated.

Contact a Naperville Driver’s License Suspension Lawyer

WIth over a decade of experience within the state of Illinois, Attorney Patricia Magaña, is prepared to do whatever it takes, to help you gain back your driving privileges. Attorney Magaña has assisted a multitude of clients facing suspensions or revocations, in securing reinstatement.

Driving is a critical aspect of every person’s life, and we firmly believe that no person should lose those privileges due to one mistake. Recognizing the fact that Illinois is home to people of various ethnic backgrounds, Attorney Magaña is proud to offer consultations in both English and Spanish. To schedule a complimentary meeting with a knowledgeable Will County criminal defense attorney, contact us today at 630-448-2001.





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Law Office of Patricia Magaña, LLC

1555 Bond Street, Suite 103A, Naperville, IL 60563

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