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How a CDL Violation Can Impact You

 Posted on December 17, 2019 in Traffic Violations

IL CDL attorneyCommercial truck drivers are held to incredibly high standards. Every single action they take is heavily monitored and scrutinized, and for good reason. Considering the size and braking capabilities of the vast majority of commercial trucks, ensuring the safety of other travelers can only be possible through the strict enforcement of regulatory standards. A CDL violation can come with life-changing ramifications. If you have been charged with a CDL violation, it is time to seek out the assistance of a knowledgeable attorney.

The Implications of a CDL Violation

CDL violations can come in any number of forms. A violation can be strictly centered around driver error, such as a speeding citation, erratic lane changing, or following another vehicle too closely. In other instances, a violation can come from a driver violating their contract and using drugs or alcohol while on the job. Some of the most common violations have nothing to do with the driver themselves and are caused by negligence on the part of the trucking company. These violations can include falsification of driving log hours or operating an overweight cargo. Regardless of the type of violation, it is time for you to react.

In many instances, a violation will result in an automatic suspension of your CDL (these violations include excessive speeding, drunk driving, or other forms of criminal conduct). If you have been falsely charged with a violation, it is time to speak with your attorney. For instance, if you were accused of speeding but the truck speed limit sign was noticeably difficult to see, you may be able to have the violation removed from your record.

Similarly, if you are charged with driving while intoxicated due to an error in arrest procedure or an error in the chemical testing procedure, you can fight against the violation. If you believe that your violation was strictly caused by company oversight, you should fight to ensure that you do not take the blame for your company’s error. Your CDL is more important than any one job, it is your livelihood.

Contact a Will County CDL Violations Attorney

While some people may view a CDL violation as simply a part of a commercial truck driver’s life, the implications of a violation can be life-changing. Regardless of the type of violation, it is important to seek out qualified legal assistance as soon as you become aware of the violation. Attorney Patricia Magaña has helped dozens of commercial drivers fight against violations, and maintain their ability to drive. Your commercial driver’s license is your livelihood, and you need all the help you can get as you fight for your rights to continue working. To schedule a complimentary initial consultation with a skilled Naperville CDL violations lawyer, call us today at 630-448-2001.




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Law Office of Patricia Magaña, LLC

1555 Bond Street, Suite 103A, Naperville, IL 60563

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