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Four Quick Facts About Reinstating Your License After an Illinois DUI

 Posted on January 29, 2021 in DUI

IL DUI lawyerIllinois DUI laws are tough, imposing severe penalties that aim to discourage drunk driving and protect public safety. One of the harshest – and most common – forms of punishment is a driver’s license suspension or revocation. Statistics from the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office reveal that 90 percent of all motorists arrested for DUI will lose their driving privileges. The personal and professional implications can be extensive, so you will want to get your license back as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, the driver’s license reinstatement process can be extremely complex. You could struggle for months trying to decipher the complicated statutes and court proceedings, during which time you are unable to get around. Therefore, it is critical to retain an Aurora driver's license reinstatement lawyer for legal help. You might also benefit from reviewing a few facts about reinstating your driving privileges after an Illinois DUI.

1. There is a difference between a driver’s license revocation and suspension.

A starting off point for reinstatement is understanding this distinction and how it applies to your driving privileges. A suspension is a temporary loss of your license for a designated time, at which point you can pay the required fees and have your privileges reinstated. Revocation is an indefinite termination of your driving privileges, where you can only seek reinstatement when you become eligible – i.e., you served the minimum period of revocation.

2. You will need to go through a hearing to reinstate your driving privileges.

One of the key requirements of reinstatement is appearing at a hearing, where you must demonstrate that you have participated in an alcohol evaluation, completed education sessions, and met other prerequisites. Depending on your circumstances, you may seek:

  • Restricted Driving Permit (RDP): Before you are eligible, you can get a license to drive for limited purposes by demonstrating undue hardship. Examples include the effects on your employment or education, family responsibilities, or other issues.
  • Reinstatement: Once you are eligible, having served the minimum period of revocation, you can apply for full reinstatement of your driving privileges.

3. You will need to obtain SR-22 insurance to get your license reinstated.

If the hearing officer grants your request for an RDP or driver’s license reinstatement, you must purchase a special kind of insurance or provide other proof of financial responsibility.

4. A Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) may be required.

If your request for an RDP is granted, you will have to install the BAIID on your vehicle and pay for all related fees until your license is fully reinstated. Plus, when you seek full reinstatement of your driving privileges, you must have proof that you completed the requirements and paid all BAIID costs.

Discuss Defense Options with an Illinois Driver’s License Reinstatement Attorney

These are just a few of the facts you need to know if you lost your driving privileges and are seeking reinstatement. For more information, please contact the Law Office of Patricia Magana, LLC at 630-448-2001 today. We can set up a free initial consultation with a DuPage County driver's license reinstatement lawyer who can advise you on your options.




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Law Office of Patricia Magaña, LLC

1555 Bond Street, Suite 103A, Naperville, IL 60563

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