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5 Tips to Maximize Your Chances of Receiving Driving Relief After a Driver's License Revocation 

 Posted on February 08, 2023 in Traffic Violations

Aurora Driver’s License Reinstatement Lawyer

In Illinois, one of the most common reasons that a person's driver's license is revoked is a conviction for driving under the influence (DUI). When a license is revoked, the license holder is prohibited from driving any motor vehicle. Driving with a revoked license is considered a Class A misdemeanor criminal offense in Illinois. Penalties include steep fines, community service, or even jail time.

Fortunately, the state of Illinois gives drivers a chance to regain either full or partial driving privileges after a revocation. If you want to reinstate your license after it was revoked, you will need to complete the steps required by the Illinois Secretary of State and attend a reinstatement hearing. Here are five tips to improve your chances of reinstating your driver's license after a revocation.

Understand What You Are Required to Do to Get Your License Back

The requirements you must meet to get your license back depend on the reason for the revocation, your criminal history, and other factors. If a drunk driving conviction led to the revocation, you will undergo a drug and alcohol use assessment. The result of that assessment will determine the next steps. For example, individuals in the "minimal risk" category will need to attend 10 hours of DUI Risk Education classes. Those deemed "high-risk dependant" will need to complete 75 hours of dependency treatment and participate in a continuing care program.

Prepare for the Reinstatement Hearing

Before you attend your reinstatement hearing, familiarize yourself with the process. Informal Secretary of State hearings are generally less formal than court hearings, but you still need to be prepared. Gather documents that will support your reinstatement request, such as proof of completion of treatment and classes. Formal hearings must be scheduled in advance and are conducted similarly to a courtroom trial. A driver's license reinstatement lawyer can help you prepare for a formal hearing.

Be Respectful and Polite at Your Hearing

It is important to remember that the Secretary of State's hearing officer is the one who makes the decision about whether you will get your license back. The official may ask you questions or make comments that could seem critical. It is important to remain respectful, polite, and honest at all times.

Remain Consistent and Truthful in Your Answers

Whether you attend an informal hearing or a formal hearing, you will need to answer many questions about your criminal history, drug and alcohol use, and any other relevant information. It is important to remain consistent with your answers, as the hearing officer will compare your answers to other records on file. Always answer questions honestly and accurately.

Work With an Experienced Attorney

Having a lawyer present at your reinstatement hearing can increase your chances of getting your license back or receiving a restricted driving permit. An experienced driver's license reinstatement lawyer will help you understand the process and prepare for the hearing. Your attorney can also provide legal advice or representation during your hearing if necessary.

Call Our Aurora Driver’s License Reinstatement Lawyer For Help

Naperville criminal defense attorney Patricia Magaña has extensive experience in license reinstatement and DUI cases. She can help you take the steps needed to maximize your chances of getting your license back. Call 630-448-2001 for a free initial consultation to learn more. Se Habla Español.




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Law Office of Patricia Magaña, LLC

1555 Bond Street, Suite 103A, Naperville, IL 60563

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